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Writing a synthesis essay can seem like a daunting task. After all, your goal is to synthesize and evaluate a variety of sources in order to create an insightful and impactful essay. Be at ease, though! You can become an expert at writing this kind of essay with time and practice. In this post, we'll define essays, offer advice on how to write an essay, and present a sample synthesis essay for your review. Additionally, we'll give you some resources to get the writing process going. Continue reading to find out more about what constitutes a strong synthesis essay—then put what you've learned to use! If you encounter any difficulty, you can get the assistance of professional analytical essay writers at Nerdpapers.

Steps to Writing a Brilliant Synthesis Essay

Steps to writing a brilliant synthesis essay.

1. Choosing a Synthesis Essay Topic

Although it can be difficult, writing an essay can also be immensely fulfilling. You must choose a topic, though, before you start writing the essay. If your teacher doesn't provide you with a specific topic to write on, then you'll have to choose one on your own.

There are a few essential factors to take into account while selecting a synthesis essay topic. To begin with, you must ensure that the topic you choose is pertinent to both your English language and writing course and the materials you'll be employing for your essay. Additionally, there must be enough data available for you to use in order to provide focused proof to support the thesis.

Last, but not least, think about the readers of this essay and their potential responses. A good synthesis essay topic should be intriguing enough to pique readers' interest and also appeal to them on a personal or public level, causing them to reflect critically on the topic at hand.

☑️Reading suggestion: “How to write an AP Lang synthesis essay

2. Developing a Thesis Statement for Your Synthesis Essay

Read the relevant source material after deciding on your essay's topic. Understanding the knowledge and applying critical thought to it should be your objectives. Form your own thoughts about the topic as you read and weigh the various sources. Take notes as you go along, noting any quotes, information, or examples that can assist you to support your position and develop a strong thesis statement.

When writing an essay, coming up with a thesis statement is the most crucial step in the writing process. Readers should be able to deduce from this statement both the topic of your work and the argument you are making. Do not forget that a quality thesis should be concise, specific, and arguable. Make sure to include material from all sources in your essay if they're relevant to your argument and summarize them.

Your goal is for readers to understand why you chose the material for your synthesis essay topic and how you plan on presenting it in support of your argument or position.

3. Finding and Reading Source Materials for Evidence

It's time to delve deeper into the sources and uncover the precise evidence your argument requires. You should make notes on significant ideas from each source, keeping track of important details, quotes, and figures that you might utilize in your academic writing. As you read, remember to focus on how each of the sources ties in with your topic and contributes to your argument.

Here are some tips to help you as you read:

  • Look for key phrases or words that address the essay topic so you can quickly identify material related to it
  • Jot down notes in the margins or highlight pertinent information as a reference when writing your essay
  • Summarize those major points afterwards so they're fresh in your mind while writing
  • Search for different perspectives related to your topic. This will help when forming an argument and refuting any opposing viewpoints
  • If a source is not relevant or doesn't contain enough substantial evidence, discard it
  • Ask yourself specific questions about each source as you read, such as “What kind of evidence does this provide?”.

By reading through the source materials ahead of time and taking detailed notes, you can come up with more organized thoughts for a smoother writing process. Wondering how to organize your sources effectively? Consider creating an annotated bibliography to keep track of your findings.

4. Outlining and Organizing Your Synthesis Essay

Writing a good essay starts with outlining and organizing the essay. Making an outline for your paper comes next after gathering all of your sources and reading them thoroughly. You'll be able to better plan your ideas and decide how to convey your information by doing this.

There are some fundamental elements that must be covered in the outline of a synthesis essay:

  • Introduction: Where you introduce the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence and two or three pieces of specific evidence from one or two different sources that support your argument.
  • Conclusion: Here, you will review the main points of your essay and offer any insights or observations gained from the process of writing it.

When organizing these basic components into an outline, it's important to make sure they flow logically from one point to another, while also linking all of your points back to the original thesis statement. Additionally, make sure that you are citing all of your sources correctly throughout the paper—English language and composition teachers are often very specific about this requirement! Understanding how to accurately cite sources is an essential part of writing a good synthesis essay.

5. The Writing Process: Drafting Body Paragraphs with Specific Evidence

When it comes to writing an essay, the writing process is key. Once you have read the sources and written a thesis statement, it's time to start drafting your essay. You want to make sure that each body paragraph supports your thesis with specific evidence from the source material.

a. Provide Context

Each body paragraph should introduce one point from your thesis statement and provide context for the evidence you're about to cite. It's also important to note that when you do cite evidence, make sure it is relevant and related to that particular point and argument.

b. Provide Specific Evidence & Explain How It Supports Your Argument

Now that you have provided relevant context, provide evidence from one or more sources while explaining how it connects back to the point and argument of your essay. Before moving on to the next piece of evidence, make sure that the previous one has been thoroughly explained. Instead of simply summarizing the sources, make sure to explain how the data supports your thesis and why it does so well.

c. Conclude Paragraph with Summary Statement

Finally, conclude each body paragraph with a summary statement that ties back in with either other parts of this same paragraph or other paragraphs from earlier in your essay. The connective thread between paragraphs will help readers see how all of these points come together as part of a cohesive argument in support of your thesis statement.

6.  Proofreading and Editing Your Synthesis Essay

Once you've written your synthesis essay, it's time to proofread and edit it. This is a crucial step as it's your chance to make sure that your essay flows logically, uses up-to-date sources, is error-free, and clearly expresses your idea or thesis statement.

Proofreading and Editing Your Synthesis Essay

a. Check Your Thesis Statement

Make sure the thesis statement or main argument of your essay stands out clearly and confidently. It's important to check the wording here—is it supported by specific evidence in the body of the essay? Have you made any sweeping generalizations?

b. Read Aloud and Listen for Errors 

Reading aloud helps you slow down and pay more attention to punctuation details such as commas in a series, colons, apostrophes, etc. You can also use text-to-speech programs if you're more comfortable listening than reading.

c. Check the Structure, Flow, and Transitions

Your essay should have a clear structure that follows logically from one point to the next so that readers know what to expect next. Also, check for smooth transitions between paragraphs so that there is a clear connection between them all.

d. Track Your Citations

Make sure all sources are credited correctly—both within the text as well as on the references page. Any source material that’s not cited correctly can be interpreted as plagiarism! Use formatting guidelines specified by your professor (e.g., APA or MLA).
Finally, don't forget to proofread like an editor would: read each sentence carefully with an eye for errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, or punctuation. If possible, run spell-check programs such as Grammarly after reading.


Writing a synthesis essay can seem daunting, but with the right process and understanding of the topic, it can be an informative and engaging experience. Starting out with copying keywords and sources onto a page can help you organize your ideas and give you a place to start. Knowing the task and how to develop your thesis statement, as well as how to pick and analyze specific evidence, is also important for forming your written argument. Finally, the writing process involves making sense of the topic and developing connections between your sources to build a stronger essay. With the right essay writing tips, writing a synthesis essay can be a smooth and enjoyable process. 

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